Reliability Prediction
ITEM ToolKit Modules
Reliability Prediction for Mean Time Between Failures
Reliability Prediction tools such as ITEM ToolKit are absolutely essential when the reliability of your electronic and mechanical components, systems and projects is critical for mission success.
When you develop products and systems for commercial, military, or any other application, you need to ensure reliability and consistent performance.
Electronics and Mechanical products, systems, and components are naturally prone to eventual breakdown owing to the number of environmental variables, heat, stress and moving parts. The main question is “When?”
Reliability is a measure of the frequency of failures over time. System reliability has a major impact on maintenance and repair costs as well as the continuity of service and customer satisfaction.
The Role of Reliability Prediction
During the reliability analysis or process, reliability prediction or MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) has many functions and is often the foundation for any analysis. Whether you’re designing new or updating an existing system, ITEM ToolKit reliability prediction tools can assist in determining the impact of proposed design changes. It also provides a deeper understanding of acceptable reliability levels under environmental extremes. You can evaluate acceptable limits of failure for your system, or meet overall design goals and the requirements of your clients as well.
The ITEM ToolKit reliability prediction modules provide powerful and competitive advantage.
- Combine prediction methods for complex analysis
- Optimize designs to meet targeted goals
- Select components with regard to reliability and cost savings
- Be more accurate and efficient than with manual methods
- Take advantage of powerful “what if” analytical tools
ITEM ToolKit, offers the greatest flexibility and ease of use in 5 reliability prediction modules. The reliability prediction modules MIL-217, Telcordia (Bellcore), NSWC, IEC 62380 (RDF) and China 299B all share a powerful set of features and capabilities for inputting and utilizing data in multiple operations. Now you can generate the most complete analysis for your purposes.
Perfect for both military and commercial applications. The ITEM ToolKit reliability prediction modules can aid in locating areas for potential reliability improvement. The reliability prediction modules offer the most advance and diverse Multi-Document Interface (MDI) features allowing you to construct and analyze your system with accuracy and speed.
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Powerful and user friendly reliability prediction software
MIL-HDBK-217 F Notice 2
US Military (Electronic)
Telcordia TR-332 & SR-332
US Telecom (Electronic)
IEC 62380
European Telecom (Electronic)
IEC 61709
European (Electronic)
China (GJB/Z) 299B
Chinese Military (Electronic)
NSWC 11 (98/06/LE1)
US Naval (Mechanical)