IEC 62380
ITEM ToolKit Module
IEC 62380 European Commercial Telecom Standard
Electronic Reliability Prediction
(UTEC 80-810)
The IEC 62380 module supports reliability prediction methods based on the latest European Reliability Prediction Standard. Originally, a French Standard published by the Union Technique de L’Electricite (UTE, July 2000 - RDF). The standard has evolved and become the European Standard for Reliability Prediction (IEC 62380). Its unique approach and methodology has gained worldwide recognition. IEC 62380 is a significant step forward in reliability prediction when compared to older reliability standards.
The IEC 62380 Module provides model for reliability prediction of electronic components, optical cards, printed circuit boards and equipments, which takes directly into account the influence of the environment. Environment factors are no longer used as they are replaced by mission profile/ thermal cycling undergone by the equipment. These models can handle permanent working, on/off cycles and dormant applications. Failures related to component soldering are included in the component failure rate.
This technical report provides elements to calculate failure rate of mounted electronic components. It makes equipment reliability optimization studies easier to carry out, thanks to the introduction of influence factors.
For a list of referenced documents that are indispensable for the application of this method click here.
MIL-217| IEC 61709
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To download a free demonstration of our IEC 62380 software click here.

Powerful and user friendly IEC 62380 standard reliability prediction software
Linked block facility reduces repetitive data entry
Redundancy modeling including hot standby
Multi systems within the same project
Extensive component libraries to reduce entry time
Multi document interface allows easy transfer of data
Powerful charting facilities